Born in Hawaii but raised in the foothills outside of Yosemite, Keale’s story and musical journey brought him home twenty-three years ago to the craft of mele (music) and mo’olelo (story). Long acquainted with family stories, they now lived and breathed on mountain trails and ocean waves.
Keale is a Grammy-nominated and multiple Na Hoku Hanohano Award-Winning artist with the band Kaukahi. He has toured with many of Hawaii’s top musicians including Makana, ukulele stylist Taimani Gardner as well as the late Slack key guitar and songwriting legend Uncle Dennis Kamakahi. He has toured widely along the west coast and performed in Washington D.C.; Newcastle, Australia; Nagasaki, Tokyo and Yokohama, Japan; Dakar, Senegal and Skye, Scotland.
As a Hawaiian man, Keale grows dryland kalo along Kalihi Stream and lives close to the practices of kakau uhi (traditional Hawaiian tatau), ho’omana (caring for sacred sites) and hoe wa’a (canoe paddling). In these ways, his music finds itself closer to a’o Kupuna (elder teachings) and a’o honua (land, sky and sea-learning). They give strength to his music and mo’olelo.
Ka Mele Mai Loko…
Nico’s Kailua: Live music & fresh fish every Saturday from 6-8pm 970 N. Kalaheo Ave. (808)263-3787
Duke’s Waikiki: Live music & hula every Tuesday from 4-6pm on the Lanai 2335 Kalakaua Ave. (808)922-2268
Hula Grill: Live music twice a month from 12-2. Upstairs from Duke’s. 2335 Kalakaua Ave. (808)922-2268